
Grilled Vegetables

As one would imagine, we like grilled vegetables. When working on the the grill it is a natural to grill the vegetables while cooking our other items. Also, grilled vegetables are somewhat unusual, so these are a great change from the usual vegetable dishes.Sometimes we like a vegetarian meal and this is a great way to bring flavors to the dishes, grilling intensifies and compliments the flavors.

Check out our grilled vegetable recipes, whether entrees or sides. We are sure that you will enjoy them!

Grilled Artichoke Recipes

This grilled vegetable salad has long been a favorite, especially after a trip to the farmers market. The recipe is flexible with the variety of veggies, then a nice counter point of some Feta cheese or Chevre. Break out the good balsamic vinegar for this one too.
Grilled Vegetable Salad with Feta Cheese and Balsamic Vinaigrette

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