
How to Cook Lamb, Here are some Great Recipes!

Grilled Chops with New Mexico Red Chile Buerre Blanc Sauce

It is easy, how to cook lamb. Two words: grill it! It is a perfect meat to throw on the grill and make your dinner first class. Try the following great recipes.

The more familiar cuts you see in the market: the leg, loin, and rack. All of these take to the grill well, adding that smokey savory flavoring.

The whole "doneness" question...

It is truly a matter of taste but as a general rule, if you have a thermometer and wish to check it this way if you are not comfortable with the touch method

Rare: 125' F on chops and roasts

Medium rare: 135' F

Medium: 145' F

Medium well: 155' F on all cuts except ground: 160' F

Well: 170' F

Using a marinade or dry rub work quite well. There is so much more to eating it than with the old mint jelly. We love using fresh herbs, like rosemary and oregano. Making a sauce to go with it is nice. Grilling up some veggies with the chops is an excellent idea, as well.

Does this help you know how to cook lamb in some interesting ways? Any requests? Here are recipes we have enjoyed:

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Here are some great grilled lamb recipes to try:

Lamb Marinade with Pomagranate 


Delicious Lamb Chops with Fresh Herbs, Arugula and Mustard Meyer Lemon Vingrette


Leg of Lamb Recipes, Gyros Style

This recipe will impress many

Grilled Rib Chops with Pinot Noir & Blackberry Grilling Sauce

Great chops recipe!

Grilled chops with red pepper, sun-dried tomato, and walnuts


Chops with Spanish rub

Grilled Loin Chops with Spanish Rub and Sherry Vinegar Reduction


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