
Grilling Lobster tails ~ How to prep, grill and unforgettable recipes

When we think of lobster tail from the grill it makes us think of a celebratory feast or amazing meal on the beach.  Nothing can be easier and more elegant than this divine shellfish. Lobster is incredibly good grilled simply or can be dressed up with a elegant sauce. Both ways are memorable. The key is the quality of your lobster as is the case with all fish and shellfish.

Below we will show you how to prep your lobster tails for the grill!Preparing Lobster tails for the grill is really pretty easy. First thing is buy good lobster we like lobster tails from cold water unless it is truly fresh. The best tails come from Australia or Maine.  If they are defrosted or fresh check it and make sure they smell good and the meat is not mushy. We have no qualms with asking the butcher to let us smell it before they wrap it up. Hey! We are spending a lot of money so it better be fresh! So assuming all is good here, let's move on to preparing it.

Follow the photos below to prepare you lobster tails for the grill. 

Grilling Lobster Tails 
How to clean and prepare them for the grill

Push a sturdy and sharp chef knife into the tail segment just ahead of the rear fins. Just go through the first shell, not the softer bottom.

Start pressing down the knife firmly. Keep you hands and anything the you want to keep attached out of the way!

As you are cutting the tail, try not to cut all the way through the bottom shell. If you do, no big deal. But, you can grill both halves attached as I like shown here. If you are sharing a tail then by all means, cleave that puppy through!

Spread the top shell apart, forcing the bottom shell to fold. This allows you to open the shell.

Under running water clean the lobster tail, pull out the "sand vein" and rinse.

Lobster tails ready to go, cleaned and split. I like to brush them liberally with butter, dust with a little paprika, your favorite rub, or Cajun spice. A little salt and lemon too.

Grilling Lobster with Lemon Vanilla Buerre Blanc

Click here for Grilling Lobster with Lemon Vanilla Buerre Blanc

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